Probiotics for Diarrhea
Treat and prevent helpful bacteria and yeast called probiotics. They might be a fast and easy way to boost your digestive wellbeing and avoid having diarrhea.
What is Gut flora?
Gut flora, or intestinal flora, is the natural barrier defending your intestine. It’s located throughout your intestine and is important for a number of reasons:
It plays a critical role in completing the digestive process
It enables the proper intake of nutritional elements from the food that you eat
It helps to maintain the regular movement of your intestine
It reinforces the intestinal barrier, making the whole body more resistant to infection
What does probiotics do?
Often described as ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria, probiotics are thought to help restore the natural balance of your gut bacteria (part of your gut flora) when this is disrupted due to illness, stress, antibiotics or changes in diet.
Here are some health claims related to probiotics:
They can reduce your chances of developing diarrhea when taking medication
They can slightly shorten (by about a day) periods of persistent diarrhea
They can help in treating IBS
They can help in treating travellers’ diarrhea
They can help in treating children with rotaviral gastroenteritis
How can probiotics prevent diarrhea when taking medication?
The strongest evidence supports the claim that probiotics can reduce your chances of getting diarrhea when taking medication. Antibiotics are designed to kill harmful bacteria but, in the process, they can also wipe out the protective bacteria in your gut, which results in diarrhea. Taking probiotics alongside your antibiotics can help to safeguard the ‘friendly’ bacteria in your system.
Find out more about diarrhea when taking medication.
Where can I find probiotics?
Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts found naturally in your body. They’re also found in some yoghurts and other foods, and you can take them as food supplements too.
You can find probiotics in certain yoghurts and soy milk – just make sure it says ‘live and active cultures’ on the label. Other foods rich in probiotics include kombucha tea, miso soup, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, olives, pickles, tempeh and dark chocolate.
You can also take probiotics as food supplements, which are easy to find in most chemists and health food shops.

Diet & Foods to Avoid when on Diarrhea
You might be sensitive to certain foods or in the habit of eating late at night. Find out about some common triggers that may cause diarrhea for you.

Where to buy IMODIUM®
It’s easy to find IMODIUM® in pharmacies. You don’t need a prescription, so you can buy it over the counter.
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